Information on ICNPR2020 as of September 10, 2019

ICNPR 2020: A Global Perspective on Natural Products Research
Janualry 25 to 30, 2020
San Francisco, CA, USA

The date and time of the JSP Plenary Symposium are as follows: Monday, July 27, 2020 10:30am to 12:00pm (90 minutes).

Plenary speakers from JSP:

Prof. Masami Ishibashi (Chiba Univ, Awardee of The JSP Award 2018)
Prof. Kazuki Saito (Chiba Univ, RIKEN, Awardee of The JSP Award 2014)
Prof. Ikuro Abe (The Univ Tokyo, Awardee of The JSP Award 2017)

Discounted Registration for JSP Members

As one of the Sponsoring Societies of ICNPR 2020, JSP members in good standing are eligible for a discounted registration fee. When registering for the meeting, JSP members should indicate their affiliation to obtain this discounted registration.

Further information: